JMB Aruna Bhawan – Nakhipot, NEPAL (11 Girls)
Aruna Bhawan is a Social Services Centre (SSC) run by the Jesuit Society of Nepal and provides a home for orphans, single parented children, abandoned children, children at risk and differently abled children from various districts of Nepal. Children are protected and through access to education are enabled to develop self-reliance and confidence. There are currently 44 girls of whom 50% attend a government school and 45% attend a private school. The teenage years provide a critical period of education in the preparation for college education or employment and PAWA is working with JMB Educational Fund to support the school education of 11 carefully selected girls between the ages of 13 and 19 living at the centre. The funding will cover fees at a private or government school and will include tuition and exam fees, books, stationery and uniforms.